Changes to the Logged Time Report Raw Data Export in Timesheets

Tempo Team
Tempo is making the following changes to the Logged Time Report raw data export in Timesheets to help customers avoid potential reporting discrepancies and improve naming consistency throughout our reports and exports.
CSV + Worklogs tab in XLS and XLSX raw data exports:
Column names changed:
From Hours to Logged Hours
From Billed Hours to Billable Hours
From Issue Original Estimate to Issue Original Estimate Hours
From Issue Remaining Estimate to Issue Remaining Estimate Hours
New columns:
Added Logged Seconds next to Logged Hours
Added Billable Seconds next to Billable Hours
Added Issue Original Estimate Seconds next to Issue Original Estimate Hours
Added Issue Remaining Estimate Seconds next to Issue Remaining Estimate Hours
Users tab in XLS and XLSX raw data exports:
Column names changed:
From Worked to Logged Hours
From Billed to Billable Hours
From Required to Required Hours
From Planned to Planned Hours
New columns:
Add Logged Seconds next to Logged Hours
Add Billable Seconds next to Billable Hours
Add Required Seconds next to Required Hours
Added Planned Seconds next to Planned Hours
When will these changes be released?
The changes to the raw data export will take effect on Thursday, August 15, 2024.
We understand these changes may cause potentially breaking changes to your reporting scripts and macros. Please make the following updates if they apply to you:
If you are using column order or index number to fetch data
The column order will change due to the new columns so please double-check and update your scripts and/or macros accordingly
If you are using column names to fetch data
Columns have been renamed so please double-check and update your scripts and/or /macros accordingly
Tempo’s recommendation is to export data using our public API since column order and column names can change as we improve our reports and export capabilities. Click here to learn more
Please help us spread the word about these changes and inform your colleagues who may rely on these raw data exports for reporting.