Planned vs. Actual report is now available on Tempo Cloud


Tempo Cloud

Tempo has introduced a new Planned vs. Actual report for our Cloud customers with both Timesheets and Planner subscriptions. Accessible in the Tempo Reports overview, this report shows planned hours against logged time so that managers and team leads can understand how accurate their project estimates are -- and can alter future forecasts if needed. 

The report itself is designed to provide an easy understanding of project status, with the planned time displayed in blue and logged time in gray. A range of filters makes it possible to filter reports by characteristics such as projects, teams, and accounts. The reports can subsequently be saved for future use or exported for print. 

To address privacy concerns, the Planned vs. Actual Report is only available to users that have both View Worklogs and View Plans permissions for their teams. Should you have trouble accessing the report, you should ask your Tempo Team Administrator to review your permissions as described here.

This report has been much-requested by our customers, so we are excited to roll it out and hear what you think.

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