New permission roles page is now live on Cloud


Tempo Cloud

We’re very excited to announce the arrival of a much-requested feature: a Permission Roles page where you* can manage your Tempo access across multiple teams - and your whole organization. By pooling together the permission roles from individual teams into one page, the Permission Roles page gives you new insight into the access which has been granted company-wide. Now you can manage these existing permission roles quickly and easily, all in one place. 

Just as importantly, the Permission Roles page gives you the ability to create new permission roles, and define whether users should have full access or access to multiple teams. By creating new permission roles, you can easily decide who should be able to view, manage, and/or approve worklogs, plans and timesheets, as well as manage teams. Simply select full access to grant this permission across your organization, or restricted access to limit access to a select group of teams. 

The goal in creating the Permission Roles page is to make it easy for you to define appropriate levels of access for your management team and beyond. Just as importantly, the goal is to provide you with a place to manage your permission roles company-wide, and allow you to simplify and consolidate permission roles where possible (for instance, by creating a new multi-team permission role for a role that is shared across many teams).

Screenshot showing the permission roles

One thing to note is that, since we have broadened the scope of our permissions beyond single teams, we have decided to take the word “team” out of Tempo permissions. That means that View team worklogs is now View worklogsManage team worklogs is now Manage worklogsView team plans is now View plans and Manage team plans is now Manage plans. You will see these changes reflected in the Permission Roles page as well as individual teams’ Permissions pages.

We hope you enjoy these changes and look forward to hearing your feedback.

You need to have Tempo Team Administrator permissions to access the new Permission Roles page.

Find out more about the new Permission Roles page in our Help Center documentation.

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