Manage User Permissions More Easily Now with Tempo Timesheets for JIRA

tempo timesheets manage user permissions

Different permissions are provided in Tempo Timesheets and JIRA to enable managers and teams to customize more granularly information that team members can see, depending on their role on that team.

In our latest release of Tempo Timesheets for JIRA Server, we're introducing new permissions to simplify the permission management in Tempo. We’ve also added a simpler way to see invalid worklogs when users submit their timesheets for review.

All permission previously set by your JIRA Admin, will migrate to the new one if applicable.

Let's take a closer look at the new changes.

Tempo permissions are now with JIRA permissions

A JIRA administrator can configure Tempo's global permissions. JIRA administrators can now more easily maintain permissions for Tempo Timesheets along with other JIRA permissions. The Tempo Permissions administration section has been removed.

You will manage the Tempo permissions where you manage JIRA permissions - on the JIRA Global Permissions page and the JIRA Project permissions pages.

In Tempo Timesheets, permissions can be granted based on:

  1. Global permissions
  2. Project permissions and roles
  3. Team permissions and roles
  4. Customer and account permissions and roles[/callout]

For instance, users who create teams in JIRA, e.g. a human resource manager or a development manager, would need a global manage team permission. Team leads and other mid-level management roles that directly manage employees’ logged work efforts need a team-specific permission.

Project-specific permissions are useful for project managers who need to manage all time and effort spent on tasks, issues, stories, and epics associated with specific JIRA Projects.


Improvements to the timesheet approval process

Not familiar with the timesheet approval process? Enabling Tempo Timesheets’ approvals process is easy, here's how!

[callout class="user"] Most organizations that enable the timesheet approval process in Tempo Timesheets find it very valuable to its purpose - you can make sure that teams are spending their time on the right tasks, while ensuring that they are logging their work for customer billing, payroll purposes etc.[/callout]


In our latest release, timesheets reviewers will see fewer or none invalid worklogs. It saves time for reviewers and for team members submitting their timesheets, as they instantly see if there is something that needs a second look (the screenshot above).

How does that work?

When you submit your timesheet from the Worklog Calendar, you are now notified of any invalid worklogs and can correct them. Hence, lesser invalid worklogs for both you and your reviewer - it’s a win-win situation!

Quickly review, approve, or reject timesheets with Tempo Timesheets for #JIRA.

If you’re not yet using Tempo Timesheets, explore the features yourself for 30 days see Tempo in action by booking a demo:

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