Tempo Timesheets Tip of the Month: Timesheet Approvals Reports

Timesheet Approvals Reports

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Did you know that with Tempo Timesheets, Admins can enable features so users can send their worklogs to their supervisors for approval? This feature is customizable, so Admins can implement timesheet approvals among their teams on a weekly or monthly basis.

Not familiar with Tempo Timesheet Approvals? No problem, we recommend you read this short introduction to Timesheet approvals first to learn the basic functionality of the Timesheet Approval process.

On top of the Timesheet Approvals, we’ve created the Timesheet Approvals Reports, which provide you with an overview of the approval statuses for each of your team members for a given month, and the Approval log, which gives an overview for one team member over the span of entire year.

Below, we’ve put together a short introduction of these reports.

Timesheet Approvals Report

Note: To display a Timesheet Approvals Report, an Admin must enable timesheet approval process in the Global Configuration

Accessing the Timesheet Approvals Report is very simple. First, you’ll need to enter the Tempo Teams space within Tempo and select your current team.

From the Teams space, click on the Reports section, and then select Timesheet Approvals, as displayed below.

Tempo Teams

tempo-timesheets-teams-report-timesheet-approvalsYou’ll then enter the Timesheet Approvals Report. From here, Team Leads can view the Status for each Team Member, Hours (logged/required), the Comment and Reviewer as entered through the Get Approval dialog, the Submission date, and finally, the Actions cog wheel.

The team member list can be filtered through the Status drop-down to the top left. Next to the Status filter is the date navigation box, through which users can navigate between set periods.

Through the Action cog wheel, you can see that the set of actions for each timesheet status can vary. The actions can be seen here below.

Screen Shot 2014-08-14 at 11.06.41

Approvals Log

You can access the Approvals Log option for a team member in the actions cog wheel list on the Team Timesheet. The Approval Log opens a summary of all approval communications for this specific team member within the current year.

Approval LogFor instance, below is a view of the Approval log for Jessie Rosewood.tempo-timesheets-teams-report-approval-logEach line in the Approval Log shows the Period which the data refers to and has a link to the corresponding date range in the User Timesheet. It also show the Status, Hours (logged/required), User (who changed the status), which Action was performed, the Comment as entered through the Get Approval dialog, the Selected Reviewer, and the Datethe action was performed on.

And that’s how to view the Timesheet Approvals Reports and the Approvals Log. Make sure your team is on the right track with everyone is working towards the same goals with Tempo Timesheets.

Be sure to check out our other Tempo Timesheets Tips of the Month for more useful features.

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